Biting midges, often referred to as “no-see-ums” due to their tiny size, are a common nuisance in South Carolina, particularly in coastal and swampy areas. These minuscule insects, measuring just 1-3 mm in length, are notorious for their painful bites and the allergic reactions they can cause in sensitive individuals. Biting midges are most active during dawn and dusk, where their presence can turn a pleasant evening outdoors into an uncomfortable experience. Their small size allows them to penetrate standard window screens, making them a potential problem even inside homes, especially those located near marshlands, lakes, or other bodies of water.
Around the home, biting midges are particularly problematic in areas with high humidity or standing water, where they lay their eggs. Stagnant water in birdbaths, clogged gutters, or poorly drained lawns can quickly become breeding grounds for these pests. In addition to their painful bites, biting midges can be vectors for certain diseases in animals, and their presence can severely impact outdoor activities. Homeowners should be vigilant about eliminating standing water and consider installing fine mesh screens to minimize indoor infestations.
Taking proactive steps to manage biting midges can significantly improve your outdoor comfort and protect your home from these persistent pests. Whether you’re enjoying your backyard or seeking to secure your living spaces, addressing the conditions that attract biting midges is key. To keep your home and family protected year-round — trust Paladin Pest Solutions to protect your property and provide peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a pest-free home.